Monday, December 30, 2019

Reflection on a Brain Injury Clinic - 1348 Words

Reflective Piece. Reflection refers to the process of learning from experience. In order to learn effectively we need to address our experiences and tailor them to our needs. Spalding (1998) stated that reflection has three main learning phases. The learning opportunity, the gathering and analysis stage and the changed perspective. Boyd et al (1985) suggest reflection to be an: ‘...important human activity whereby people recapture their experiences, consider them and evaluate them . Reflection has been strongly advocated by the UKCC (1996) and a wealth of nursing literature during the last decade, with the aim of improving practice via a structured means of identifying, reviewing and making sense of relevant practice knowledge†¦show more content†¦FEELINGS After the discussion with the other members of the team, I was shocked to both my own views and stunned to realise the effects that a TBI has on individuals whom appear to be coping. When a patient has to have a long stay in hospital then the after effects are easier to see but when patients are discharged and appear to be coping these are less visible, and can lead to them being discharged when they are in need of help. EVALUATION The situation made me address these attitudes that I had and made me think about the seriousness of symptoms that individuals mask. When we visited Ms X it turned out that the reason Ms X had not attended was that she was unaware that she wasn t coping. As we interviewed Ms X it turned out that her body image as a result of the TBI was immensely affected and Ms X was having problems with her family as they saw that her physical injuries were healed now so why was she not back to the person she was before. As a result of these conflicts she was depressed and finding it difficult to be motivated to leave the house and as her TBI had occurred outside had become fearful of leaving the house in case this happened again. ANALYSIS From this experience I learnt how important it is to listen to all the facts and to not make judgements on individuals just because the outcomes areShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1441 Words   |  6 Pagesemotional episodes that can happen immediately without a word. With a number of mental illnesses to diagnose them, it requires significant time and perception with a health care provider. Treatment is additionally a viewpoint that takes arranging and reflection, generally on how the patient feels in response to the solution that they are taking and different types of treatment. Albeit, bipolar disorder is a complex ailment to diagnose, there are a few option medicines utilized as a part of conjunctionRead MoreEffects Of Major Depressive Disorder On Adolescents1633 Words   |  7 PagesDisorder amongst adolescents age 15 to 24. 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Public policy is the principles, often unwritten, on which social laws are based (Rules and laws in our society). Cognitive means of or relating to cognition. Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught. Reflection is serious thought or considerationRead MoreNarrative Reflection Paper 11378 Words   |  6 Pagesthe interpreter was taken care of. There were helicopter flying over the Kiowa was shooting at enemy targets that were moving along the ridge line, along with a medic evacuation helicopter landing to take the dead and wounded. Summary In this reflection we will be looking at the coping strategies used to help solve any problems, we will examine the effects of my professional as well as family / social life. We will examine if Maslow’s hierarchy of needs related to my situation, what motivated meRead More Embryonic Stem Cell Research is Destructive Essay2730 Words   |  11 Pagesto be a cure, should give us pause. Some of the tissue placed in this mans brain may have been from an earlier gestational age than is customary in American clinical trials - that is, it may have been more embryonic than fetal in nature. Within two years after the transplant this man died mysteriously - and an autopsy revealed that masses of nonneural tissue such as skin and hair had filled the ventricles of his brain and cut off his breathing. Researchers theorized that this tissue may have remainedRead MoreReflective essay on confidentiality3439 Words   |  14 Pagesin the future. Jasper (2011) tells us that reflection is the ability to see ourselves both physically and metaphorically. She also states that reflection can be looking again at something or in a different way. Somerville and Keeling tell us that reflection is the study of our thoughts, actions and focusing on our interaction and environments with the intention of fully seeing ourselves (Nursing Times, 2004). Bulman Schutz (2008) talk of reflection as being a tool to review experience, so thatRead MoreReflection-Leg Ulcers2221 Words   |  9 Pages In this reflection, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988). Baird and Winter (2005,) give some reasons why reflection is require in the reflective practice. They state that a reflect is to generate the practice knowledge, assist an ability to adapt new situations, develop self-esteem and satisfaction as well as to value, develop and professionalizing practice. However, Siviter (2004) explain that reflection is about gainingRead MoreThe Multi Tiered System Of Support Essay2040 Words   |  9 Pagesgeneral education development (GED), and 55% reported education beyond high school† (Carta, 2014, p. 3). When this study concluded, the higher population of students were identified to have inadequacies with Sound Identification probably due to a reflection of not being exposed to the instruction on letter-sound correspondence until preschool. The study did include that using an RTI model in preschool, especially those serving children with low-income (influenced by poverty and home language difference)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The State Of State Prisons - 1726 Words

The Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) had $562.2 million in prison expenditures in 2010. However, the state also had more than $7.2 million in prison-related costs outside the department’s budget. The total cost of Indiana’s prisons—to incarcerate an average daily population of 38,417—was therefore $569.5 million, of which 1.3 percent were costs outside the corrections budget. Determining the total cost of state prisons requires accounting for expenditures in all areas of government that support the prison system; not just those within the corrections budget. The additional costs to taxpayers can include expenses that are centralized for administrative purposes (such as employee benefits and capital costs) and services for inmates†¦show more content†¦Once a budget has been received, a budget officer goes over the prepared document and balances the proposal based on what is being requested and develops a recommended budget. From there the b udget is submitted to the governing authority, in this case the Department of Corrections. Once the Department of Corrections has reviewed all the important information obtained in the recommended budget, it then filed a proposed budget which is presented at the public board meetings. Once all adjustments to the initial budget plan are completed, a final adopted budget is put in place. This is what most department heads will use as the fiscal basis throughout the year. The main contributors to the budget process include the governing authority, chief budget officer, and department heads. The governing authority is typically the county board or city council in local government. In a regional jail arrangement, a regional governing board may consist of representatives from each participating jurisdiction. The agreement that creates the regional authority generally defines the regional governing board’s authority concerning budget issues. The governing authority must approve the budget for the jurisdiction and any changes to it during the fiscal year. It also secures the revenues necessary to fund the budget by setting tax levies and user fee rates,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Globalization as International Issue Free Essays

Today the concept of â€Å"globalization† becomes the most topical and widely used. It is very interesting that the attitude to the globalization – positive, negative or discreet – depends on the level of the social, economic and political development of a country. In present-day conditions the place and the role of globalization cannot be understood without the analysis of that influence, which it renders on a nation, mentality and social behaviour, on † the vital worlds † of the people, who are actively or passively participating in this process. We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization as International Issue or any similar topic only for you Order Now The historical development of mankind depends on the conditions of globalization in which we see changes of motives, values, orientations of its contemporaries, typical attributes of a person and his or her relations with a community. Today the realistic estimation of the influence of globalization is especially necessary because the â€Å"fashion† on it, a background created around this phenomenon recently quite often prevents from distinguishing the reality from an ideological myth. The essence of globalization is in growing interdependence of different communities but interdependence implies participation in this process of at least two or even greater number of the parties. Practically globalization process benefits the high-developed states, and less developed countries involuntarily become its part, thus not receiving special benefit for themselves, and † play by the rules † of the states that lead in this process. The main part of the population of such states can express its disagreement with the policy of governments that turned to the globalization process, oppose ruthless competitive struggle and go the opposite, inverted in the past, way. Globalization is good then, when this process is accessible to the majority of the countries and when there are conditions of equality between them. But today’s globalization process in reality does not correspond to its essence, because only certain counties have a possibility to cooperate on an equal basis – the strongest ones, alienating from this process the weaker, not even giving them an opportunity to reduce the gap between them. How to cite Globalization as International Issue, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Social Networking and Its Dangers Essay Sample free essay sample

Merely when I was approximately to pick up my pen to eventually get down on my assignment. the Facebook chat buzzer went away yet once more. It was Ivan. a friend I merely met at the beach this afternoon playing beach volleyball. We chatted for about 20 proceedingss before he started inquiring me a series of personal inquiries and eventually my sexual orientation. I was naive so and didn’t know what sexual orientation meant. looking back I realized that Ivan was gay wanted to cognize if I was gay every bit good. My experience with Ivan made me realized that the Internet makes people less inhibited and more willing to say/do whatever they want. Without the platform of on-line chatting. Ivan. a diffident cat would neer hold garnered the bravery to inquire me such personal inquiries. In recent times. the proliferation of societal web sites like Facebook has brought societal networking to a new degree. people have the ability to portray themselves in whichever manner they wanted by holding a Facebook profile. This trait can be seen in Katie Ellis’s article ‘Be who you want to be: The doctrine of Facebook and the building of identity’ . Katie writes. â€Å"I carve out an online individuality based on how. and as whom. I want to be perceived in both the online and offline universe. † The rebellion of societal networking web sites has besides resulted in a rise of cyber-bullying instances and it is fast going one of the most common offenses around. Technology without a uncertainty has enabled world to pass on with much greater easiness ; nevertheless. we must neer allow our guard down when we are on-line. I remember back in high school. I met Cherry online through a common friend. We would speak about everything under the Sun on a frequent footing. Soon. I saw her as a close friend that I could portion anything with. Bing separated by a computing machine screen. I was non merely less diffident but besides more unfastened minded with our conversation ; we would speak about our personal lives. which helped to speed up our friendly relationship and made us experience like we knew each other really good. However. when I met her at an event. the temper was highly awkward. Even though we already know each other well. we’ve neer spoken to each other in existent life. After interchanging words throughout the event. I realized she wasn’t who I thought she was. Possibly I wasn’t who she perceived to be every bit good. Our conversation shortly died down and we barely talk to each other of all time since. On the other manus. I met Carolyn in individual during my high schoolâ €™s orientation and we interacted with each other for three yearss. Over the three yearss of talks and orientation games. we bonded and she got to cognize my true personality. This allowed me to be myself and later our friendly relationship blossomed. I felt comfy in my ain tegument whenever I hung out with her and we neer had an awkward minute. My experiences with Cherry highlighted the facade of on-line relationships ; practical friendly relationships frequently fail to interpret into existent friendly relationships as most of us unwittingly present a false individuality about ourselves on-line and this is non who we genuinely are. Facebook enables us to redact our profiles in the manner we would wish to be portrayed by others. This is nevertheless. non what others see us to be. This behaviour can be seen in the article ‘The doctrine of Facebook and the building of individuality. ’ in which Katie Ellis wrote that she herself take part in societal networking by carving out an online individuality based on how. and who she wants to be perceived in both the online and offline universe. In other words. Ellis believes that we carve our individualities harmonizing to what we want others to believe. I agree with Ellis beca use I know many of my equals who have profiles which portray them as an wholly separate individual as who they genuinely are. My friend Cherry is one of them. Her exposures frequently show her with her household members. picturing her as person who values her household a batch. Many besides showed her images with childs therefore doing others think that she love childs. Whereas with Carolyn I knew what she likes due to my experiences with her and from what I gather from her behaviour. Furthermore. personally I have besides edited my Facebook history such that my friends can merely see photos that I approved of. These scenes would forestall my friends from looking at commonplace exposures of me posted by other friends and therefore enable me to keep my repute. At the same clip. I frequently upload exposures of my travels and exposures of my household and me. This is because I see myself as person who is adventuresome and close to my household and I would besides wish others to portray me likewise. This is nevertheless. lone portion of my individuality. the ideal portion. Similarly. most Facebook users would redact their profiles to show the ideal side of them excessively. My experience with Cherry has taught me to reserve judgement on person until you truly got to run into her in individual. and to neer swear person else’s Facebook profile. Not merely do people portray themselves otherwise on the Internet. they besides loosen their suppressions and go more willing to open up to others. Sociologist defines this as the Online Disinhibition Effect. This common behaviour can be seen in Sherry Turkle’s article when she claimed. ‘ People become gratified by a certain public exposure ; it is more proof than misdemeanor. ’ Deducing from this statement. I can state that Turkle feels that people these yearss are excessively unfastened with their personal life online. When we are armed with the ability to make false individualities. we are frequently more liberated on the Internet. As earlier described. Ivan was surely more liberated when he was speaking to me online than in individual. This allows us to state or make whatever we want to without the fright of any signifier of negative effects. Even if we do it behind our true individuality ( ie. Facebook ) . we would still experience a false sense of security that the Internet gives us and be more unfastened with our sentiments. This has led to severe jobs in society such as cyber intimidation and racism. One of the chief grounds for the being of the disinhibition consequence is because people can acquire away easy without being recognized. What can go on to Cherry if she had offended me? The worse 1 could acquire is to be banned from the web site but this penalty can be mitigated with the creative activity of a new history. In my place state last twelvemonth at that place was a really celebrated instance of cyber strong-arming whereby a college miss killed herself after her ex-boyfriend ganged up with a few other friends and repeatedly posted derogative remarks like â€Å" You’re free. † on her Facebook profile. Similarly. cyber-bullying instances in my high school has resulted in some of the victims wholly losing their assurance. As seen. the Internet can be a unsafe platform. which can take to unwanted effects. There are. nevertheless. positive reprisals from the Internet every bit good. In her article. ‘Friendship: The Laws of Attraction’ . Karen Karbo writes â€Å"Between e-mail and cell phones with free long distance. we’re able to remain near. Keeping a lively e-mail correspondence may frequently be every bit good as being at that place. ’ Although Karbo is right that engineering does convey us closer to each other. I believe there is still a immense difference between a lively email correspondence and a existent existent meeting with person. However. no 1 can deny the fact that engineering does do communicating a zephyr even though one is overseas. Although I met Carolyn in individual during orientation. we have our ain busy lives and it is sometimes hard to maintain up with each other. With engineering. I am able to invariably and handily catch up with her. Furthermore with the aid of engineering. people who experience troubles socialising can besides happe n a practical community they belong in. In the best-case scenario. these non-threatening and non-judgmental online communities might help these people to construct societal accomplishments and eventually come out of their shell. Technology has decidedly improved all of our lives. we are now able to maintain in touch with our friends easy and even friends who are overseas. However there are trade offs that come with engineering. we all need to larn how to extenuate dangers online such as cyber-bullying. It is besides good for us to reserve judgement on people until we have met them personally as people tend to dissemble their true individuality online and therefore taking practical relationships to be frequently deceptive.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Umbrella Brands Essay Example

Advantages and Disadvantages of Umbrella Brands Essay Branding the process is extremely complicated and expensive. First, a creative studio comes up with its concept. Then the ad agency creates ads that invented the outdoor advertising and plans to BTL-actions. Then comes the turn to media buyers, who are developing an advertising campaign and buy it at the time on radio and television, the band in print periodicals, and billboards. As the supporting forces here are the PR and brand managers who are trying to convey message of the brand to a targeted audience. It goes without saying that all companies from time to time want to save energy and money and use the popularity of already well-promoted brand to bring to market a new product. Brands, combining under one name several different products, called umbrella. The effectiveness of this method of advertising communication says creative director of the Moscow office of Interbrand Zintzmeyer Lux AG Edwin Schmidheiny. He opposes the managing partner BrandLab Moscow Alexander Eremenko, who believes monobrendy more effective. Edwin Schmidheiny, Interbrand Zintzmeyer Lux AG: Umbrella strategy is quite suitable for creating a strong brand. The product can successfully move as under the wing of an existing brand, and created especially for him. It all depends on the path chosen by your marketing department. Monolithic corporate brands are well-suited, for example, for companies that produce commodities. When the firm has a strong corporate brand and its products are not much different from competitors products, there is usually no need to invest in the sub-brands. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Umbrella Brands specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Umbrella Brands specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Umbrella Brands specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Umbrella brand helps bring to market new products and services, and those, in turn, reinforce his position. Such an approach requires a consistent and extremely balanced communications strategy, because of failure of each product as reflected in peoples perception of an umbrella brand, as well as success. As an example of a strong corporate brand can be called Deutsche Telekom one of the worlds largest telecommunications companies. At umbrella brands many advantages. For example, a strong umbrella to optimize the marketing budget. The cost of developing and maintaining a brand is, of course, lower than a few. Launch of new sub-brand under the umbrella a much simpler task than creating an independent brand: there is no need to fight for recognition. Nevertheless, it is important to make sure that the quality of new product or service quality in line with others, presented under a common brand. Of course, the umbrella brand characterized by its own problems. One of them is the fact that such shirokonapravlenny brand appeals to different target groups. He does not always correspond to their contradictory expectations. After all, the exact hit in the audience is the prerogative of a single brand. The integration of existing independent brand umbrella also not the easiest task. To do this you must change its characteristics so that they are more in harmony with the characteristics of a common brand, and all its sub-brands. To separate the brand from an umbrella in their own right, by contrast, get rid of inherited inherited from parent common places, which hinder the creation of a unique brand image in the minds of consumers. Alexander Eremenko, BrandLab Moscow: Umbrella architecture helps companies focus their efforts and money on promoting one brand. Every new product launch is guaranteed to receive a share of consumers who are loyal to the brand umbrella. Over time, the value of such advertising is accumulated, which turns it into a true giant like Nestle, Samsung and L `Oreal. However, all this grace ends when at least one of b eing under the umbrella of foods seriously flies in the market. In this case, it automatically pulls down a brand for all its grocery lines. Mitsubishi withering empire began with the moment when it was first convicted of concealing defects in several car models. After that, sales of Concern in Japan fell for the entire range of its products, not only for the unfortunate car model. Pluses monobrendov eventually become apparent to the owners of umbrella brands, and the conclusions to the market sub-brands. The point here is psychology of consumers who are more likely to trust the brand-expert in its category. Moreover, sub-brands are often outgrow parent brand. For example, few people can call the manufacturer to move drugs Viagra, Pfizer, although the logo is placed at each of its packaging. With regard to a number of brands today is difficult to determine what dominates the parent brand or sub-brand. Recall, for example, Wimm-Bill-Dann and J7, « Red October and Alenka . Even similar products is not always possible to combine under one roof. So, recently BrandLab Research conducted a study on the compatibility in consumers minds several dairy categories within the customers brand (cottage cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, cottage cheese desserts and butter). The obtained results helped to explain to the client why the sale of his butter and cheese dessert greatly lagged behind the sales of other categories. It turned out that people do not believe these products are related to cottage cheese or sour cream, and therefore the total milk brand just introduced them astray. This also explains the low sales of insurance and retirement services in offices specializing in retail banking. Despite the fact that they are financial in nature, the consumer is not an association of the bank with insurance. He trusts the bank to keep its money, but do not trust to insure his life.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Compare and Contrast The Writings of Confucius Hammurabi and The Book of the Dead essays

Compare and Contrast The Writings of Confucius Hammurabi and The Book of the Dead essays Compare and Contrast The Writings of Confucius, Hammurabi, and The Book of the Dead Three of the most famous writings from ancient civilizations are the writings of Confucius, Hammurabi's code of laws, and Egypt's Book of the Dead. At first, they seem very different, they're from different times, regions, and religions, but they all offer a peek into what values ancient people considered important. One of the values that all three civilizations is justice and fairness. I feel that this is best viewed in Hammurabi's laws. All of the penalties for the crimes are very stiff, but fair. I feel that it is fair that "If he has broken the limb of a patrician, his limb shall be broken" It's like in the Bible "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." In Egypt, in the Book of the Dead, a man couldn't proceed into the after life unless he was found innocent of any wrong doing on Earth. In Confucius' writings, he never actually says the word "justice", but he does say "Great Man cherishes excellence; Petty Man, his own comfort. Great Man cherishes the rules and regulations; Petty Man special favors." To me, that mean "Great Man is fair, Petty man is unfair." The second of these three values is responsibility and respect to one's family and elders, and responsibility and respect to others families and elders. This is most evident in Confucius' writings. He is constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of your parents be that you might become ill." This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your parents. Hammurabi showed responsibility by saying "If a builder has built a house for a man, and has not made his work sound, and the house he built has fallen, and caused the death of the man's son, the builder's son shall be put to death." That quote shows a man's responsibility for himself and his family. In Egypt, during the ritual of the dead, ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Middle Eastern Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Middle Eastern Politics - Essay Example This is a time for Presidential election-2008. Democratic candidates like Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican candidates like Rudy Giuliani and other prominent leaders are in the fray. The general public and political fury against the Republicans concerning United States' military involvement has digressed to a great extent towards the Democrats especially after publication of Carter's book Palestine: Peace not Apartheid. In this sense, his workmanship as an author is benefiting opponents of Democrats!!! How it is happening It is anybody's guess. This is a catch 22 situation. Carter is becoming the cause of "making a mountain of a mole". Democrats are being sandwiched real hard from top to bottom and vice versa like butter and ham between two slices of bread. Why Carter's book sees the light of day at this juncture Maybe just to go for a digression and attract voters attention towards Democrats because otherwise Republicans were being seen falling pray to wider criticism from masses and media about their Iraq policy. One wonders whether this trick can really serve its purpose in the ultimate analysis - giving a boost to the popularity of the Democrats in President ial elections. This is a very high risk proposition. Indeed, stakes are also very high and heavy. Carter has made his Damocles' sword hang on Israelis and Jews inasmuch as he has branded them agents of direct policy of Apartheid against Palestine people and land. The powerful Jew community of United States (US) from within and without has started aiming at the Democrats in the form of a planned campaign. It is because Carter's book points nearly throughout its chapters that Israelis are violators of human rights and world peace: Gaza has maintained a population growth rate of 4.7 percent annually, one of the highest in the world, so more than half its people are less than fifteen years old. They are being strangled since the Israeli "withdrawal," surrounded by a separation barrier that is penetrated only by Israeli-controlled checkpoints, with just a single opening (for personnel only) into Egypt's Sinai as their access to the outside world. There have been no moves by Israel to permit transportation by sea or by air. Fishermen are not permitted to leave the harbor, workers are prevented from going to outside jobs, the import or export of food and other goods is severely restricted and often cut off completely, and the police, teachers, nurses, and social workers are deprived of salaries. Per capita income has decreased 40 percent during the last three years, and the poverty rate has reached 70 percent. The U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food has stated that acute malnutrition in Gaza is already on the same scale as that seen in the poorer countries of the Southern Sahara, with more than half of Palestinian families eating only one meal a day. (Carter 176). Ali Abunimah, a Palestinian author supports Carter while reviewing his latest book. He writes: The 39th president of the United States, the most successful Arab-Israeli peace negotiator to date, has braved a storm of criticism, including the insinuation from the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League that his arguments are anti-Semitic. Mr. Carter has tried to mollify critics by suggesting

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Culture and Health paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Culture and Health paper - Essay Example Moreover, cultural factors are significant in health problems such as obesity, drug addiction, and child sexual abuse. Socioeconomic and cultural issues therefore underlie key global health problems, such as the spread of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, infant deaths as a result of preventable diseases, and diseases from environmental contaminations as well as social pathologies. This paper is a discussion on how the cultural behaviors and Islamic culture contribute to the spread of cholera and its impact on the community. According to Grim and Hsu (2011), the present global estimates of Muslim population cited in several academic literature approximately fall between one billion and two billion people. The results of the research carried out in 2009 showed that the population of Muslims across the globe is approximately 1.57 billion of 6.8 billion people inhibiting the world. Presently, Muslims are thus approximated to be 25% of the world population (Grim & Hsu, 2011). A big Muslim population is found in Asia-Pacific zone totaling approximately 62% of global Muslim population. In Middle East and North Africa, Muslim population is around 20% of the total international Muslim population. More than half of the territories and states in North Africa and Middle East have 95% or higher Muslim populations (Grim & Hsu, 2011). Asia presents the four largest Muslim populated countries across the world. The largest Muslim populated country in the world is Indonesia. It comprises of 202,867,000 Muslims, which is 12.9% of the global Muslim population. The next leading Muslim populated country is Pakistan with a Muslim population of around 174,082,000, translating to 11.1% of global Muslim population. India is reported to be the third-largest country of Muslim inhabitants with an approximate of 160,945,000 Muslims, accounting for 10.3% of global Muslim population. Bangladesh is occupied by around 145,132,000 Muslims,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dressing Standards Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dressing Standards - Research Proposal Example Convenience sampling, a non- probability sampling is one where the sample is drawn on the convenience of the researcher, i.e. the most convenient location, time etc. After a thorough literature survey the questionnaire will be formulated and personally distributed to 300 participants, from international organizations, and then when collected back the result will be organized and interpreted to answer the research questions. The questionnaire will be a combination of nominal, ordinal and interval scale according to the nature of the question and the information required to refuted or confirm the hypothesis. While nominal gives absolute answers, ordinal and interval scale allows the respondents to express the relative magnitude between the raw responses and the absolute difference between each scale point, respectively. This combination will enable the accuracy in measurement (reliability) and measurement of the right thing (validity). Questions design will focus on organizations with a modern structure so that the effect of environment can be critically analyzed. Moreover, a combination of different measurement scales would enable a cross examination of the issue thus providing enough evidence to support or negate the hypothesis.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Balance Disability After Stroke

Balance Disability After Stroke Balance disability is common after stroke. The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of balance disability; to characterize different levels of disability; and to identify demographics, stroke pathology factors, and impairments associated with balance disability. The subjects studied were 75 people with a first-time anterior circulation stroke; 37 subjects were men, the mean age was 71.5 years and 46 subjects had left hemiplegia. Prospective hospital-based cross-sectional surveys were carried. The subjects’ stroke pathology, demographics, balance disability, function, and neurologic impairments were recorded in a single testing session 2 to 4 weeks after stroke. A total of 83% of the subjects had a balance disability; of these, 27% could sit but not stand, 40% could stand but not step, and 33% could step and walk but still had limited balance. The most severe balance disability had more severe strokes, impairments, and disabilities. Weakness and sensation were a ssociated with balance disability. Demographics, stroke pathology, and visuospatial neglect were not associated with balance disability. The most severe balance disability had the most severe strokes, impairments, and disabilities. Demographics, stroke pathology, and visuospatial neglect were not associated with balance disability. They were excluded if they had another mobility limiting neurological condition or bilateral weakness. Data were collected in a single measurement session at the hospital bedside or physical therapy treatment gym by 1 of 4 assessors (2 senior neurologic physical therapists and 2 geriatricians). The demographics, neurologic impairments, functional and pathologic data were obtained. The average of the scores for the upper and lower limbs is taken to provide a total score for the hemiplegic side; the total score was used in this study. Thirteen subjects scored the maximum of 12 on the BBA (step-ups without hand support) and could complete all of the balance tasks. Of the remaining 62 with balance disabilities, 17 could sit but not stand , 25 could stand but not step and walk (, and 20 could step but still had limited balance. There was marked heterogeneity among subjects with different levels of balance ability . There were no differences in the demographic characteristics or the side of stroke for subjects with different levels of balance disability (sitting, standing, or stepping balance). Subjects in the sitting balance group had more severe neurologic impairments, disabilities, and strokes than subjects with limited standing or stepping balance. Conversely, subjects in the stepping balance group were less severely impaired and disabled and had milder strokes than subjects with limited sitting or standing balance. There were significant differences among the 3 groups for weakness, independence, and severity of s troke. More subjects in the sitting balance group had neglect and sustained a hemorrhage (rather than infarct) than subjects in the standing balance group or the stepping balance group. Subjects in the sitting balance and standing balance groups had worse sensation than subjects in the stepping balance group. Individual linear regression modeling revealed that none of the demographic or stroke pathology factors (age, sex, premorbid disability, side of stroke, or stroke type) was associated with balance disability. All of the impairments (weakness, sensation, and neglect) were significantly associated with balance disability. Although rehabilitation of balance and mobility often has been identified as an important goal of stroke rehabilitation, this is the first detailed descriptive study of balance disability after stroke. We found that more than 80% of subjects who had first-time strokes, who were admitted to the hospital, and who met the inclusion criteria had balance disability in the acute phase, with similar numbers of subjects having limited sitting balance, standing balance, and stepping balance. There were marked differences in the severity of stroke, impairments, and disability among subjects with different levels of balance ability. Subjects in the sitting balance group had more severe strokes and impairments and were more dependent than subjects in the standing balance and stepping balance groups, and subjects in the stepping different balance abilities, a measure of balance disability may be a useful predictive tool in the clinical setting and for use as a stratification tool for further rese arch. Moreover, level of balance ability (sitting, standing, or stepping balance) is meaningful to clinicians, patients, and their relatives, and a robust measurement tool (BBA) that is quick and easy to use has been developed. Brunel Balance Assessment (BBA) is a reliable, valid measure of balance disability after stroke. It was good that. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Reliability and validity for use with people with stroke have been demonstrated. The study failed to find a relationship between age, sex, or side of stroke and balance disability. It is important to know which factors influence a patient’s balance abilities most strongly so that they can be targeted during rehabilitation. A total of 21 subjects had visuospatial neglect. A total of 55 subjects had no previous disability. Spasticity was not included in the present study because of the lack of a robust measurement tool, but many physical therapists believe this to be an important contributor to loss of balance and function after stroke. Tests of eyesight and cognitive factors, such as speed of information processing, also could be considered. The relationship between balance impairments and balance disability also needs to be clarified by including measures of balance impairments in future, more detailed studies. Although the above details, it must be emphasized that all people who were admitted to over the course of 1 year, who met the inclusion criteria, and who were willing to participate. I therefore believe that the findings have general relevance to the population of people with balance disability after first-time stroke. The present study has indicated that weakness and sensation have the most impact on balance. A surprising finding was that neglect was not associated with balance disability. This finding indicates that neglect may be related to the severity of balance disability because it is associated with other impairments (weakness and sensory loss); therefore, people with neglect probably have poor balance. There was no blindness in the study and no external validity was measured. Previously 55 participant’s were no any disability Further studies with a power calculation to ensure that sufficient numbers are recruited to detect balance group had milder strokes, less impairment, and greater independence than subjects in the other groups. Given the heterogeneity among subjects with a difference, should one exist, are needed to investigate this issue. Future studies need to consider which other factors may affect balance disability. Large sample are needed to further test the hypothesis that balance level in the acute stages could be a useful, meaningful prognostic indicator of recovery.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Franz Kafkas Life Reflected in his Work, The Metamorphosis Essay

Franz Kafka's Life Reflected in his Work, The Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka is considered one of the few great, poetic works of the twentieth century. Addressing The Metamorphosis, Elias Canetti, a Nobel Prize-winning author, has commented, "In The Metamorphosis Kafka has reached the height of his mastery: he has written something which he could never surpass, because there is nothing which The Metamorphosis could be surpassed by - one of the few great, perfect poetic works of this century" ( There are many symbolisms and parallelisms used in the story. "[Kafka's] disturbing, symbolic fiction, especially The Metamorphosis, written in German, [not] only prefigures the oppression and despair of the late 20th century" but also is an account of the dramatic transformations that had occurred during his own life ("Kafka Franz", Funk?, 2000). This beautifully written masterpiece of Kafka's is clearly symbolic of his own life and nightmare-like life experiences he had with his father . "Suppose all that you have always valued in your life was shown to be an illusion. What if your precious beliefs, maxims, platitudes, and traditions were inverted and distorted beyond recognition? You suddenly realize that what is good is bad; what is beauty is foul; what is virtue, vice. What if all your points of reference were to shift: North becomes South; black becomes white; deviant becomes saint; saint becomes deviant. Suppose that this transformation - a metamorphosis of perception - were to come to you and you alone. Suddenly you awake, and in utter solitude you discover that your values have reversed along with you: you are a roach!" ( Yo... ...s. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. New York: Norton, 1996. 61-74. Corngold, Stanley. "Preface." The Metamorphosis. Trans. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. Sydney: Bantan, 1972. xi Kafka, Franz. "Explanatory Notes To The Text." The Metamorphosis. Trans. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. Sydney: Bantan, 1972. 77. Kafka, Franz. "Documents." The Metamorphosis. Trans. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. Sydney: Bantan, 1972. 103-112. Madden, William A. "A Myth of Mediation: Kafka's 'Metamorphosis'." THOUGHT XXVI.101 (Summer 1951): 246-66. Rpt. in "Kafka, Franz." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 5. Detroit: Gale, 1996. 210-213. "Franz Kafka." Encyclopedia Of World Biogarphy. 2nd ed. 1998. "KAFKA, Franz." Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. CD-ROM . World Almanac Education Group. 2000. "Metamorphosis by Kafka." Franz Kafka's Life Reflected in his Work, The Metamorphosis Essay Franz Kafka's Life Reflected in his Work, The Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka is considered one of the few great, poetic works of the twentieth century. Addressing The Metamorphosis, Elias Canetti, a Nobel Prize-winning author, has commented, "In The Metamorphosis Kafka has reached the height of his mastery: he has written something which he could never surpass, because there is nothing which The Metamorphosis could be surpassed by - one of the few great, perfect poetic works of this century" ( There are many symbolisms and parallelisms used in the story. "[Kafka's] disturbing, symbolic fiction, especially The Metamorphosis, written in German, [not] only prefigures the oppression and despair of the late 20th century" but also is an account of the dramatic transformations that had occurred during his own life ("Kafka Franz", Funk?, 2000). This beautifully written masterpiece of Kafka's is clearly symbolic of his own life and nightmare-like life experiences he had with his father . "Suppose all that you have always valued in your life was shown to be an illusion. What if your precious beliefs, maxims, platitudes, and traditions were inverted and distorted beyond recognition? You suddenly realize that what is good is bad; what is beauty is foul; what is virtue, vice. What if all your points of reference were to shift: North becomes South; black becomes white; deviant becomes saint; saint becomes deviant. Suppose that this transformation - a metamorphosis of perception - were to come to you and you alone. Suddenly you awake, and in utter solitude you discover that your values have reversed along with you: you are a roach!" ( Yo... ...s. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. New York: Norton, 1996. 61-74. Corngold, Stanley. "Preface." The Metamorphosis. Trans. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. Sydney: Bantan, 1972. xi Kafka, Franz. "Explanatory Notes To The Text." The Metamorphosis. Trans. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. Sydney: Bantan, 1972. 77. Kafka, Franz. "Documents." The Metamorphosis. Trans. and Ed. Corngold, Stanley. Sydney: Bantan, 1972. 103-112. Madden, William A. "A Myth of Mediation: Kafka's 'Metamorphosis'." THOUGHT XXVI.101 (Summer 1951): 246-66. Rpt. in "Kafka, Franz." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 5. Detroit: Gale, 1996. 210-213. "Franz Kafka." Encyclopedia Of World Biogarphy. 2nd ed. 1998. "KAFKA, Franz." Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. CD-ROM . World Almanac Education Group. 2000. "Metamorphosis by Kafka."

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Law in the Modern Times

Dietrich v The Queen Argued that there Is Immunity from conviction unless such a person In provided with counsel at the public expense. Mason C. J. And Brenan J. â€Å"The applicant is entitled to succeed because his trial miscarried by virtue of the judge's failure to stay or adjourn the trial until arrangements were made for counsel to appear the public expenseÃ'›. He was deprived of his right to a fair trial. † â€Å"Indeed, where there is no legal representation, and save in the exceptional case of the skilled litigant, the adversary system, whether or not It remains in theory, in racist breaks down † – Lord Devil.There Is an argued analogy with the united States Constitution, however as It Is based on their Constitution It has no parallel In Australian law. Could create difficulties – egg. Accused could demand counsel of a particular degree, skill or experience. Lack of representation may mean that an accused is unable to receive, or not receive a f ar trial. Brenna J. Whilst dissenting, Brenna acknowledges: â€Å"The entitlement of a person charged with a serious offence to be represented by counsel at public expense would be an important safeguard of fairness in the administration of criminal justice.Argues that our common law is different to other common law countries that have a Bill of Rights. â€Å"In the present case, there is no constitutional or statutory provision which supports the applicant's case. † â€Å"Every right or title must be enforced or administered in some form. † Deane J. â€Å"The entitlement of an accused person to a fair trial according to law Is recognized as the central thesis of the administration of criminal justice. † and right' which subjects innocent men t increased dangers of conviction merely cause of their poverty. However, viewed in the context of the overall trial, impropriety or unfairness could not have infected the verdict in the sense that it could not have advers ely influenced the final verdict which the accused was convicted. † Dawson J. The Trial Judge addressing Jury â€Å"The fact is he unrepresented, and you should make whatever allowances you believe appropriate for that fact. † â€Å"Entitlement to appear by counsel is not the same thing as entitlement to have counsel at the public expense. † â€Å"If he is convicted, an appeal cannot succeed merely because he was at a equidistant in being unrepresented. â€Å"There cannot be a miscarriage of Justice merely because an accused in unrepresented when he has no entitlement to representation. † Dietrich relied on Article 14(3)(d) of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: â€Å"To have legal assistance assigned to him, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it. † However Dawson J. Believes that the common law can hold a fair trial with an unrepresented accused. Robinson v The Queen Man ac cused and convicted of murder in JamaicaMinority Judges dissented – found that accused had no defense counsel and a denial of such a right was sufficient to impair the trial. The UN Human Rights Committee responded to the trial of Robinson by stating that â€Å"the absence of counsel constituted an unfair trial. † In the common law country of Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms holds that in serious offences, counsel is essential for a fair trial. Deane J. â€Å"Central of our criminal law†¦ That no person shall be convicted of crime otherwise than after a fair trial according to law. † Gaudier J.A trial is not necessarily unfair because it is less than perfect, but it is unfair if it involves a risk of the accused being improperly convicted. † â€Å"What makes a trial without representation unfair is the possibility that representation might affect the outcome of the case. † Miscarriage of Justice. Mason C. J. â€Å"By reason of the la ck of representation of the accused, the resulting trial is not a fair one, any conviction of the accused must be quashed by an appellate court for the reason that there has been a miscarriage of Justice in that the accused as not been convicted without a fair trial.Where an accused has no representation, proceedings should be adjourned to enable accused to find counsel. Paragraph issue? If the trial proceeds without a defense counsel, and the accused is convicted, the conviction will almost certainly be quashed. The notion that a trial Judge may be able to give helping hand to accused is illusory and bound to cause problems in course of trial. No Judges prepared to fashion a constitutional right to state-funded counsel. Murphy J. Is McGinnis: â€Å"Putting aside an accused to trial in a serious case is barbarous.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ford Pinto Case Essays

Ford Pinto Case Essays Ford Pinto Case Paper Ford Pinto Case Paper Varian Patella Philosophy 131 Michael F. Martin 03/08/2010 The Ford Pinto Case and Utilitarianism In this essay, I will talk about the ford Pinto case, and how the information was withheld from public in order to save company from huge losses and at the same time keep companys reputation Intact. I dont think the decision of the ford company to with hold the information about the safety-issue of the car for which they were already aware of; was the right thing to do. I agree. As a utilitarian the only thing In my mind should be to evaluate the issue solely by utility in providing happiness, neural welfare or pleasure as summed among all sentient beings. The basic ethical principle of this theory is of consequences, weighing them up to determine how every person involved in any event, issue, proposal, project and so forth, would be affected. The aim in doing so would be to decide on a morally right action, one that would result In the greatest overall positive consequences for everyone So every aspect must be examined to evaluate potential good and bad outcomes; If the goods outweigh the beads, then morally, the action can be deemed right. If there are more ad consequences predicted, then the opposite applies. A utilitarian should evaluate the situation based on long term as well as short term consequences. : Although the ford management knew the design flaws; still the design was approved which shows that they ignored the greatest overall utility benefit. The management had Just aimed to design a car which could be sold at competitive prices by keeping lowest costs regardless of the safety of the passengers. If the case is evaluated on the basis of long term consequences, the information about the issue regarding the safety was owning to come out sooner or later. That is directly going to affect companys reputation throughout the world as a car manufacturer. I believe that even for designing an economic car the safety standards should be carefully considered. Ford should design the car with complete accident-proof feature regardless of dollar spent on It. It Is ethically wrong that the company looks its benefits first and designs such a car and places value on life. It is the corporate social responsibility of the company to see the interest of the consumers first and then look for its own benefits. In addition, at the end the loss was incurred by the company by having to recall the defective cars. Therefore, social responsibility is also important for the long term survival of the company. The cost/benefit analysis In the ford pinto case puts value on the human life. Is that even possible? On what basis should the value of the person be counted? These was certainly a wrong assumptions made during the analysis. Human lives are invaluable because there is no limit to the capabilities and the potential abilities of a human being. In addition to that, the emotional losses to he family of the injured had to be accounted for as well. It also didnt include loss of earnings due to the injury to the family members. The act utilitarian approach requires that we determine what will maximize good consequences. The good consequences In our case would not only De a canapà ©s car out also a sates car. People would rather pay few dollars more if it is going to increase safety. The managers at Ford did not think that making safer cars would have resulted in more good consequences than making cheaper car. This shows that production of Ford Pinto car was unethical as any utilitarian would agree. Hence, the creation of the Pinto did not fit the ethical requirements of utilitarianism due to the fact that the overall costs in terms of long-term payouts and the negative reputation that the Pinto attached to the Ford brand name. Argument: In a situation such as this, one had to make a decision. Cost/benefit analysis seemed to be the most effective way to evaluate the case. The process was followed and although it is morally not the right thing to do, it had to be done for the benefits of the majority at a cost of minority. Defense: I think everyone has the right to say when it comes to safety of their own self. What wrong has minority done so that they have to face the consequences of others action? They certainly dont deserve it and majority doesnt have any right to make decision on others. As a solution in this case, right thing would have been to reveal the concerns regarding the car safety to the public and let them decide if they want to take any chances with safety issues. That is for the cars not already sold. The cars that were already sold, company could have recalled all the cars. Yes, it would have cost the company a lot but over a longer period of time the same case could turn into an advantage for them. As the people will start to believe that ford motor companys aim is to provide the best possible car and they wont at any cost compromise on that. The memo case will instill faith in public that company is ready to lose millions of dollars to provide a good secure vehicle which they can drive without having to worry about the safety. That in turn will blossom their business and that would over weigh the loss that they made during the memo case quite easily.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Being the Judge

Being the Judge Introduction Being a judge is never an easy task. You have to make sure that you don’t take sides during the hearing of the case. You also have to make sure you listen keenly to the case as presented before you. You should give both sides equal opportunities to argue out their case and bring aboard any witness that may be relevant.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Being the Judge specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Every person according to the constitution is entitled to a fair hearing in a court of law. The most important thing is to make sure you give fair judgement according to the law. It is important to always observe the rule of law and uphold the constitution at all times. Scenario one In this scenario we find that a supervisor by the name of Justin Ames has been making sexual advances towards an employee by the name Anita Mills. However, instead of seeking legal advice or reporting James Ames to the relev ant authorities, Anita Mills decides to consult a supervisor by the name Anna Flores. Anna Flores advices Anita Mills not to report the incident and is able to convince her that it will all go away with time. However, things get worse when Anita mills goes to be reviewed. She is accompanied by Anna Flores who acts as an observer during the review process. However, this does not make matters better as Justin Ames goes ahead and gives Anita Mills a negative rating. This annoys Anita Mills and she decides to take legal action. If I were a judge in a court of law, I would carefully look into the case with the seriousness it deserves. Sexual harassment is banned in the workplace by the laws of the country (Mello 2006).  In this case it is evident James Ames is victimizing Anita Mills because she refused to give into his advances. He also does this partly because Anita Mills did not take any action when he first made his advances. It is evident that Anita Mills has been under stress. Sh e even takes a day off to go see a therapist.  In this case the company would not win. There is substantial evidence that shows that James has been sexually harassing Anita Mills and further victimizing her by not giving her a fair review. Scenario two In this case, manager Pete Bartel is dismissed by human resource manager Frank Framer on grounds that he his performance has been wanting. Pete Bartel has not met his targets for some time. He attributes this to the ever rising cost of raw materials. Pete Bartel argues out that he should have been given a warning according to the company’s policy before being dismissed.Advertising Looking for essay on law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, Frank argues that the company had put him on probation the first time he had failed to meet his targets.  Contracts are legally binding documents between an employer and employee. It is evident that Pete Bartel has not been performing as required. But before the company can dismiss him, they have to follow due process. In this case, Pete Bartel should have been given several warnings before being dismissed. This is clearly stated in the manager’s workbook one the policies of the company.  The company has breached the law and its own policies in this case. Pete Bartel would, therefore, win this case and be reinstated as the manager. The company should have followed due process before dismissing Pete Bartel. Reference Mello, J. A. (2006). Strategic human resource management. Mason, OH: South- Western Cengage Learning.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The main uses of Ultrasound in an imaging department and a vascular Essay

The main uses of Ultrasound in an imaging department and a vascular department - Essay Example o Sandhu (2007), ultrasonography can image soft tissues such as muscles, blood vessels and so on and can also monitor needle position while the interventional procedures. In anesthesia setting, ultrasound is the best choice due to the compactness of the instrumentation, easy transportability and lack of damage to tissues (Sandhu, 2007). In the imaging department, ultrasound is also useful for determining neuaxial blocks in people especially children. Ultrasound imaging for determining transthoarcic and transesopheageal echo-cardiography is utilized to diagnose cardiac anesthesia, trauma anesthesia and order cardiac function abnormalities that arise either during the perioperative period or intensive care settings (Sandhu, 2007). Forsbery et al. (2002) argued in its research paper that imaging modalities such as MRI and CT have well established 3D data displays and therefore are being used increasingly in the diagnostic decision rather than ultrasound. This is because the time available for acquirement and processing of 3D data is limited in ultrasound imaging. For example, in Doppler ultrasound, blood flow data is obtained using multiple firing methods. Accordingly, improvements in the computer processing technology and visualization methods, the clinical use of vascular 3D ultrasound has increased. The clinical uses of 3D ultrasound include evaluation of the flow in the carotid artery, kidney, placenta and others (Forsbery et al., 2002). The advantage of the 3D ultrasound is that the doctors can localize a functional abnormality that is relative to primary anatomy. Other advantage of 3D vascular imaging is that ease that is involved in the segmentation of data flow from the tissue echoes (Forsbery et al., 2002). Thus, as a result, ultrasound imaging in the imaging department has become successful as it provides â€Å"noninvasive, 2D as well as 3D images of soft tissues and blood flow without ionizing the radiation† (Forsbery et al. 2002). Ultrasound is also

Friday, November 1, 2019

Disparities related to ethinic and cultural groups rsalted to low Assignment

Disparities related to ethinic and cultural groups rsalted to low birth weight - Assignment Example The involved health complications include cerebral palsy, hyperactive complications and chronic lung disorders (Goepfert, 2012). A discussion on the related disparities exhibit health complications for the minority communities of the world. In America, the affected minority communities include the Hispanic, Black American and the Hispanic white. The arising complication of low infant weight poses a great threat to the world health and survival of the infants. In America, the complication poses danger to the existing minority population due to the challenge health care structure. The resultant effects of prolonged disparities include prolonged complications for maternal health among the existing racial groups and the ethnic populace (Whitehead & Vincenzo, 2012). The realization of the impact of the current situation is evidenced by increased death rates. Material genetic contagion is a key contributor to the preterm birth among the minority communities in the United States of America. Other major causes of the preterm birth include maternal age gap, prolonged smoking addiction and general substance abuse. Hypertension is also a major concern for the increased preterm birth complications in the minority communities. There are family centered services that are community founded to help families with this issue and this sees to it that the family is abetted in this transition for better outcomes for their

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Strategic management of healthcare organization Research Paper

Strategic management of healthcare organization - Research Paper Example Health insurance is a hindrance to management of diabetes, normally with dire consequences. Diabetes management costs can be as much as two hundred dollars a month. Adults who are uninsured are less likely to receive care needed for disease management than those with insurance. Meanwhile, those having health insurance have hardships obtaining needed care when there is inadequate coverage. Common place events, most often, lead to adults losing health insurance. These are divorce and change or loss of ones job. Health insurance depends on the applicant’s employment and family status, state of residence, health status, income, and age. Any change in these factors often can and will lead to automatic disruption or change in health coverage. On average, two and a half million Americans lose insurance cover every month (Karen et al 88). It is difficult to regain ones health insurance once revoked (Karen et al 89). Adults suffering from the debilitating disease who apply for health insurance individually are more often than not denied. Many of the victims can not access qualification for Medicare or Medicaid. When there is the availability of new coverage, most of the diabetes patients find the coverage to be inadequate or unaffordable. Adequacy, affordability, and access barriers are redundant and create layers upon layers of hardships which the diabetics cannot overcome. According to studies, when an individual loses health coverage during a period of sickness, it becomes more difficult for them to regain it as compared to healthy people (Karen et al 90). They thus go for long spells of no insurance, which worsens their situation. Policy makers need to act toward making health insurance adequate, affordable, and available. Presence of options regarding health insurance is not a guarantee for health security. More often than not, policy makers attempt to paper over cracks in the health insurance system via the creation of safety net protections, which

Monday, October 28, 2019

Between Daedalus Flight and MIT Flight Essay Example for Free

Between Daedalus Flight and MIT Flight Essay The Fight of Daedalus and the Flight of MIT are one of the articles in which you can find many things to compare and contrast. They both have many similarities and also many differences, which also made both stories more interesting. But remember one thing both had the same goal and that was to get success in flying. Now first of all, I would like to tell you the analogous things that are in both articles. As I mention earlier that both had the same planning for taking off their flight and that called as Human Powered Flight, and unfortunately both flights were failed. The second things that were alike in both of the articles were they started from the same destination, and the area that they started from is near to Italy, called as Crete. Before started their destination, they already made preparation for themselves to takeoff, which would not let them cause any hardships (thats what they both thought). Finally the last thing that is corresponds to these both articles is that they both went to the Mediterranean Sea, and another that called their final destination in which they both got failed from their flight, but the way of failing in both of them was different from each other, which gave both articles an amazing story. As in the upper paragraph we talked about comparison in upper paragraph, which werent enough in both articles. But now there are much more differences between in these two articles than the similarities of these two  articles. One of the biggest differences between them was their purpose. Daedalus PURPOSE was to escape from King Minos because he disobeyed him, and on the other hand purpose of MIT was to invent profit from their invention. The other difference between these two of them was DIFFERENCE IN EDUCATION. In Daedalus flight the education refers about how important is to listening others, as a result you would get failed like Icarus, the Daedalus son did. In the Flight of MIT the education prefers them to learn from their mistakes, in which they cause failed at their flight. One of the important differences between these two of them was THE FAILURE. In the Daedalus flight the failure was that, the Daedalus son Icarus flew too high to the altitude that cause him too hot that his wings of wax started melting, and by having this he had no longer stayed in the air, so he fell down and thats he called his end from which their flight got failed. In the MIT flight, the failure was the tail boom which was found broken in the end, and by having this problem, the MIT flight couldnt longer fly and it felt down just 30 meters away from its destination, so thats why it called as a failure. Now it is the last and most important difference between these both of the articles that is THE OUTCOME from these two different projects/articles. The outcome for the Daedalus flight was that, Daedalus escaped and survived, but his son no longer was with him, and in the MIT flight the airplane crashed, but the cyclist lived. But both of the projects/articles were failure and could nt able to fulfill their main goal. As a part of the conclusion I would just like to say that everything is not possible, if we want to make things possible then we need to work harder than before. Flight of Daedalus and Flight of MIT, both were just tried for human flying, but unfortunately they didnt able to get success for it. But still everything is possible and because of it we would need more time to get success at our goals.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Whitmans Song of Myself and The Nature of Life Essay -- Song of Mysel

Whitman's Song of Myself and The Nature of Life Identifying the mystery of existence, Whitman writes "Song of Myself," section six to question the nature of the life of man. He alludes to and confronts past answers to this query by utilizing as his central image the leaves of grass. In the Christian tradition, the Bible utilizes this image of grass to describe the lives of men. Isaiah, a prophet of God cries out, "All men are like grass . . . and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, . . . but the word of the Lord stands forever" (Isaiah 40:6-8). The scriptural image of men as grass, "the handkerchief of the Lord," places man in relation to God and establishes the transient, finite nature of man. Whitman responds throughout this poem to the Biblical answer to the question of life. Emphasizing the cyclical process of nature, Whitman constructs his poem to insist that the life of man, as in nature, moves not with linear progression, but rather in a cyclical succession. Birth and death, Whitman asserts, serve not as bookends to a concise life span, but rather as connections in a larger continuum of existence. Whitman utilizes an imagist technique relating a series of associated images through a central connection. Whitman first presents the reader with the image of a small child offering up grass with the question, "What is the grass." In light of the scriptural connection Whitman provides, this query "What is the grass" from the lips of a child presents the larger question of what is man. Whitman chooses not to answer this question directly, but rather to present possibilities and proffer the question back to the reader, stating "How could I answer the chil... ...ot ceased to exist but rather now continue their existence "alive and well" in the ambiguous "somewhere." Whitman will not accept the Biblical understanding of death as a passage to either heaven or hell. He claims instead that "to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier." This fortuitous death he would apply to every man, not reserving destruction for any man. Death, if it truly exists, for Whitman, leads only "forward to life, and does not wait at the end to arrest it." Stating "All goes onward and outward . . and nothing collapses," Whitman affirms the view of man's earthly life as a succession rather than a progression and claims for man a part in a larger cyclical continuum of existence. Works Cited: Whitman, Walt. Song of Myself. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Ed, Paul Lauter. Boston,NewYork: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Aphasia :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Aphasia In this world, humans and animals alike have come to communicate by using various mechanisms. Humans have advanced themselves beyond other organisms by using language, or a set of codes and symbols, in order to express themselves to others. Language has brought about a means to create new thoughts, to explore, and to analyze our everyday surroundings. It has also enabled us to retain past memories and to look deep into the advances for the future. However, for some individuals, this tool for communication has been plagued by a language and speech disorders, such as aphasia. Aphasia is the loss of the ability to speak or understand speech or written language. It is often detected at an early age, and contributes to the general class of speech and language disorders affecting "5% of school aged children" (1) . Aphasia is classified into three categories. The main two are receptive or sensory aphasia and expressive or motor aphasia. Receptive aphasia affects the input side and "the abil ity to understand spoken or written language may be partially or totally lost" (1) . Those with expressive aphasia "can speak but not find certain words or names, or may be totally unable to communicate verbally or by writing" (1) . For a majority of affected individuals, there is a combination of the two. The third type is conduction aphasia. This "involves disruption of transmission between the sensory and motor ends of the circuit" (1) . Here, individuals are able to produce speech despite the lack of connections to the input side. It seems that the ability to speak has a lot to do with your surroundings and how much emphasis was placed on developing this skill during the first few years after birth. Afterall, it's known that the first few years are critical because this is the time when the brain is "plastic" and is rapidly changing and being molded. By the time that adolescence is reached, the brain has become "less plastic". In this paper, I would like to explore theories prop osed to try to understand the origins of this impairment. Ongoing research has tried to pinpoint exact reasons as to why there is speech impairment for those with aphasia and other language disorders. Most theories suggest genetic and environmental implications. Is the speech disability some sort of defect from within the brain, or does the disability develop as a result of influence from your surroundings and lack of nurture from others?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Problems Of Modern Youth Essay

It has been rightly said that we spend the first half of our lives trying to understand the older generation, and the second half trying understand the younger generation. This is nothing peculiar to the modern age. It has always been so. Every age has its own problem Youth has always felt somewhat exasperated with age, and age In always been suspicious of youth. With their natural ebullience a impatience, a majority of young people is keen to act and learn on the own rather than be guided by the experience of their elders. The ok people, being more at home with words rather than with action, oft make noises about the problems of youth. In every generation, old men are found shaking their hoary heads and waxing nostalgic about I good old days when young people knew better and showed due reverence to age and tradition. In all ages, whenever they have pondered over ways of youth, they have foreseen nothing but ruination staring the world in its face. And yet the world goes on. Every generation passes from spontaneity and exuberance of youth to the caution and prudence of old age, and then yields place to the next. Some of the charges brought against modern youth are that they represent a rudderless generation without any ideals to live by, or cause to live for. Without the redeeming influence of faith, they are afflicted with a compulsive reverence which manifests itself in increasing defiance of parental authority and revolt against established social, moral and behavioral norms. On the slightest pretext they take to the streets, indulging in violence and destruction. They want to attract attention to themselves through unconventional behaviour and clothes. A majority of them have fallen victims to self-pity, mister med as alienation. They are becoming a generation of drug addicts and have developed an aversion to honest, hard work, ever on the lookout to have something for nothing. It is no longer anxious youth going forth into a hostile world. Now, it is hostile youth going forth into an anxious world, which is not sure, what to expect from it. This is a formidable list of charges and it will require an army of psychologists to ascertain the truth of the allegations made and to analyze the erratic behaviour patterns referred to. But even from the layman’s point of view, the indictment appears to be patently one-sided. It betrays a lack of sympathetic understanding and realistic appreciation of the dilemma in which the younger generation finds itself today. If we come to think of it,  it is not that only the younger generation is feeling restless. As a matter of fact, human society itself is in a state of flux. And that is not a recent development. A profound change has been coming over it for the last quarter of a century. It started with those who had fought in the Second world War. They had been brought up in an atmosphere impregnated by conformism. But after they had borne the brunt of fighting for seven long y ears, their outlook was radically changed. They came to acquire a rather equivocal attitude towards established authority as also towards long-accepted social mores and codes of conduct. They had seen the death and destruction wrought by the war. It diminished their respect for the wisdom of old age because it was the old men—their fathers—who had started the war. The catastrophes of death and destruction, which had visited the world twice in thirty years eloquently, showed that the old had bungled, and that their claims to matur wisdom were false. Then the general erosion of law and order, which is natural in times of war, wrought a profound change in the spirit of the age. An attitude of dissent and irreverence came to replace spontaneous faith and quiet acceptance of the status quo. Thus, it was the old people themselves who sowed the seeds of that arrogance of which they complain so bitterly while discussing modern youth. A fast-growing populations has increased to complexities of life in our times and the fantastic technological progress triggered off by the Second World War. These two factors combined have brought about great socio-political changes during the last three decades, both in the industrialized countries of the west and in the underdeveloped countries in Asia and Africa. Growing affluence in the developed societies of the West has generated among the people there a restlessness, which pines for instant rewards. Pursuing the mirage, parents have little time to devote to their children and to properly direct and supervise their activities. The children have all the money they need, and seldom face the need to work for a living. The result is that they try to attract attention in other ways and seek excitement in drugs and permissiveness. In the underdeveloped countries also, young people are feeling disgruntled because their visions of a happy future are being obliterated either by interna l strife or by political opportunism. Very few among such countries are enjoying political stability and even in them, more often than not, it is a particular class which is cornering most of the  rewards of technological progress. This provokes the young to protest against rampant corruption in society and the denial of social justice. In the circumstances, is it to be wondered at if all talk of dedication to ideals, renewed moral vigour, basic virtues etc. leaves the young cold and unconvinced? They are no longer prepared to blindly accept whatever their elders choose to ram down their throats. They are prone to subject to critical review all the social and political values they are called upon to accept. When they see high-sounding principles invariably being ignored for expediency, political leaders deliberately hoodwinking the masses, vested interests being allowed to frustrate the state at every step, corruption common in high places and other gaping differences between promise and performance, they naturally bec ome cynical and clamour for change. Students form a very important group among the youth of all nations. Like the others in the same age group, they too have ample reason to be dissatisfied with the state of affairs in our educational institutions. Their biggest and most legitimate grievance is that what they learn after putting in so much time, effort and money has very little relevance to the realities of life with which they come face to face after leaving the university. Rather than equipping them to make a honourable living, education appears to be rendering them unemployable. Therefore, it is but natural that they should want to have a say in determining what should be taught so that it has some relevance to their future life and its needs. They would no longer tolerate politickers masquerading as teachers. They are not prepared to concede that the educational authorities have also to act as the guardians of their morals. They consider themselves quite capable of looking after themselves. If we look at the problems of youth today in the light of foregoing, it will be apparent that it is not the young alone who are to blame for the state of mind in which we find them. They may well be charged with being ignorant of what they want. But they surely know what they do not want. Theirs is a movement of protest against hypocrisy and lack of integrity in their elders, an expression of moral revulsion against corruption in society. Students are up in arms against displays of hollow pedantry and alienated erudition in educational institutions, the lack of living contact between students and teachers, and the unresponsiveness of the whole educational system to the need for change. The young are protesting against the difference between the  myth and reality of the society in which they are growing. Evidently, this concern for the future and this anxiety to rescue life from hypocrisy is very laudable indeed. But it cannot be said that the young are all the time guided by such high purpose, or that their choice of methods is always happy. Dissent is necessary—in fact obligatory, when things go wrong. But when it descends from the verbal level to the physical, it invites tragedy. Violence comes natural to youth. The young, supremely sure that the authority against which they are up in arms is unjust and oppressive, and feeling certain of the correctness of their own stand, react emotionally. The intensity of their feelings is such that it fills them with hatred and they turn to violence. Those who advocate taking to the streets to give vent to feelings of grievance plead that no one pays attention to words any longer. But this way of thinking is dangerous. Violence is an expression of intolerance. As the President of the Yale University said some time ago, the ugliness of the radical is no different from the ugliness of the reactionary. Both share the sin of arrogance, which is the enemy of freedom. In a general unleashing of violence, dissent is the first casualty. On the whole, the younger generation today is much misunderstood and more maligned than it deserves. The world, which it is going to inherit, will be immensely more exciting than the world of its predecessors ever was or could be. At the same time, life will present to it a much bigger and far more complex challenge. It would not do to condemn it and find fault with it that is easy enough. What is really important is that it is treated with understanding so that it can develop its faculties to reshape the world it is going to inherit in accordance with its noblest vision.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

You Decide Virginia Pollard Essay Example

You Decide Virginia Pollard Essay Example You Decide Virginia Pollard Essay You Decide Virginia Pollard Essay You Decide Project Virginia Pollard worked as a cashier and clerk for Teddy Supplies, a family-owned chain of film production equipment supply stores in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. During a routine performance evaluation, Virginias supervisor at Teddys complained that she made too many personal phone calls when she worked in the West Orange store. The supervisor noted this on Virginias annual review, and warned her to keep personal calls to a bare minimum while at work. Soon thereafter, Teddy transferred Pollard to guard film equipment in the main warehouse behind the storefront; Virginia couldnt make personal calls there, and her work became exemplary. Her performance evaluation three months after her transfer was meeting expectations with no negative comments. Virginia Pollard was the only woman working in the warehouse, and she was often the victim of pranks perpetrated by her six male colleagues. Her co-workers taped her drawers shut, locked her out of the guard shack she sat in to watch the inventory, filled the guard shack with trash, and backed a forklift up to the door and made it backfire in her ear. One day a Teddy delivery driver sat in Pollards chair and, when she tried to push him out of it, he bent her over his lap and spanked her. Pollards new supervisor, Steve King, rarely enforced Teddys rules against smoking, horseplay, foul language, and sexual harassment, and often indulged in such behaviors himself. Teddys had a written sexual harassment policy which included a method for employees to report sexual harassment the method included filing a complaint with the direct supervisor unless the direct supervisor was the perpetrator. In that event, the employee was to file the complaint online at www. ReportTeddysafely. com. The form for reporting was a one page document. A copy of the policy which Virginia Pollard signed is located here. The policy specifically states, In the event of a violation of this policy, employees should report the violation to their direct supervisor, unless doing so would put the employee at risk of further discrimination or harassment. In that case, the employee should report using the company website form which will submit the incident to Human Resources. Pollard never filed a complaint with Steve King, her supervisor; she also did not file a complaint at the website, although she claimed she told King in July 2008 that she felt she was being picked on by the guys she worked with. She claims Steve King told her to grow some balls and to get over herself. She testified during the NJ Human Rights Commission hearing that she tried to file an anonymous complaint but the website wasnt working the day she tried to do so. In August of 2008, King and the other warehouse workers put a sign on a truck that read HARDHAT REQUIRED/BRA OPTIONAL. King and another employee called Pollard over to look at the sign and encouraged her to do as it said. She refused and tried to walk away. King promised not to report her to management, whereupon she lifted one side of her shirt in the back and exposed part of her bra on her backside. Upper management learned of the incident that October by a co-worker who filed an anonymous complaint online. After a brief investigation, Pollard was fired for exposing her bra. None of the men were disciplined. A man replaced Pollard in the guard shack. That November, Pollard filed a charge of sex discrimination with the New Jersey Commission on Human Rights. The Commission found that Pollard had been the victim of sex discrimination and that Teddys reasons for firing her were pretext, and awarded her back wages and damages. Teddys appealed to the circuit court, including in their case that Pollard had committed several infractions, including participating in the spanking incident. They reported that Pollard had failed to report any sexual harassment and included a copy of their sexual harassment policy as part of their defense case. The Circuit Court found that Teddy did have good reason to discipline Pollard but that firing her was in fact disparate treatment when compared with the utter lack of discipline given to King. The circuit court reversed the Commissions award of damages because it believed that Teddy had been right to discipline Pollard, but they ordered Teddys to reinstate Pollard to her old position. Pollard appealed to the New Jersey Court of Appeals and refused to accept her job back. Sexual Harassment Policy: Teddys Supplies Sexual Harassment Policy All employees of Teddys Supplies are required to read and follow this policy. This policy was implemented on January 1, 2002, and is in effect until further notice. Scope of Policy This policy prohibits any illegal discrimination or harassment of any employee by another employee, co-worker, supervisor, or vendor. All employees are entitled to a harassment and discrimination free environment. The company has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to harassment or discrimination. A safe work environment is the goal of Teddys Supplies. Responsibility and Reporting structure All employees are responsible for following this policy. In the event of a violation of this policy, employees should report the violation to their direct supervisor, unless doing so would put the employee at risk of further discrimination or harassment. In that case, the employee should report using the company website form which will submit the incident to Human Resources. Employees have the option of anonymously reporting incidents, but doing so does not provide the employee with any protection under the law. (Access the reporting form on the benefits page of the intranet. Behavior Banned All illegal, discriminatory, or harassing behavior is prohibited. Discipline invoked Employees found to violate this policy may be terminated, suspended from work without pay, or transferred. This document will be considered the warning in the event of termination. No other warning is required. In the event a suspension or transference is a result of a violation of this policy, any 2nd offense will be met with immediate dismissal. In the event a compla int against an employee is made, the employee will have the right of defense at a hearing prior to termination. This hearing will be held by the CEO and Director of HR, or by a committee created at their request or direction. No retaliation Employees will not be retaliated against making for valid complaints. In the event it is determined that an employee has filed a fraudulent complaint, this will be grounds for disciplinary action, including suspension without pay, transference or termination. Limitation period All complaints for violations of this policy must be made within 90 days of the occurrence of the behavior or they are waived under this policy. Signed: 2004 Virginia Pollard Date: 8-12- You Decide Question #1: Teddys Supplies CEO has asked you to advise him on the facts of the case, and your opinion of their potential liability. He wants to settle the case. Write a memo to him which states your view of whether the company is exposed to liability on all issues you feel are in play. Include in your memo any laws which apply and any precedential cases either for or against Teddys case which impact liability. Include in the memo your suggested offer of settlement to Virginia. Back up your offer using your analysis of the case against Teddys. (Points: 30) As an advisor, I would inform Teddys Supplies CEO the situation is Virginia Pollard, the only woman working in the warehouse, is filing charges against the company for sexual harassment. The fact of the matter is the employees in the warehouse are guilty of disparate treatment towards Virginia Pollard as warehouse workers put a sign on a truck that read HARDHAT REQUIRED/BRA OPTIONAL along with other discriminatory actions (pranks, spanking incident, etc. ). However, per the Sexual Harassment Policy implemented by the company, Virginia did not ever file sexual harassment complaints when given the opportunity to. As a conclusion, I believe Teddys Supplies as a company, is responsible for the hostile work environment created around Virginia Pollard; my advice would be to offer a settlement to Virginia Pollard in the amount of $5,000. I believe the $5,000 is a sufficient settlement because according to Burlington Industries v. Kimberly Ellerth case, I believe that Virginia Pollard was been a victim of a hostile work environment. You Decide Question #2: The Circuit Court overturned the decision of the NJ Human Rights Commission which had found that Pollard was the victim of Sexual Harassment and disparate treatment. Please answer these questions: A. Define sexual harassment, including both quid pro quo and hostile environment harassment. Which type(s) do you feel Pollard was a victim of (if either. ) Provide law or a case to support your position. If you feel Pollard was not a victim of harassment in this case, explain why you feel that way, and provide law or a case to support your position. (10 points) B. Name an appellate court case where an employer was found liable for either quid pro quo or hostile environment sexual harassment. Describe the facts of the case, and the decision the court came to in the case. Explain whether you think that case applies to Pollards case (why or why not) and whether you would want to use this case in Teddys favor or whether Pollard may use it in her favor. Include the citation to the case and a link to it online. (10 points) C. Do you agree that Pollard was disparately treated? Why or why not? In your answer, define disparate treatment. 10 points. ) D. Does the existence of a sexual harassment policy provide a defense to Teddys in this case? Why or why not? (Include the name and citation of at least two federal or state sexual harassment case(s) which provide precedential support to your defense statement. ) (10 points. ) (Points: 40) A) Sexual harassment is the act of inappropriate actions insinuating sexual conduct. The two types of sexual harassmen t are quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo is the action of getting something for giving something of value. Hostile work environment is when an employer engages in inappropriate behavior making the working place not up to reasonable standard. According to Burlington Industries v. Kimberly Ellerth, I believe that Virginia Pollard was a victim of a hostile work environment. In this case the Supreme Court ruled that workers can still bring sexual harassment cases against employers even if the harassment is not reported. B) A court case when the employer was found liable for sexual harassment is the Burlington Industries v. Kimberly Ellerth. In this case, Kimberly described her experiences at work as feeling humiliated and embarrassed. Kimberly also claimed to be an emotional and mental victim of sexual harassment by her supervisor but never reported the incidents to anyone at work. This case applies to Virginia Pollards case and I would want to use this case in her favor because she has been the victim to humiliation when her coworker bent her over his lap and spanked her. This case applies directly to Virginia Pollard because even though she never filed a complaint with her supervisor Steve King, nor did she file a complaint at the website online, she can still bring sexual harassment cases against employers even if the harassment is not reported. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/97-569. ZO. html) C) I do agree that Pollard was disparately treated. Disparate treatment is mistreatment of employees differently because of their membership in a certain protected class (Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Sex). In this case, Pollards employees treated her with discriminatory conduct because she was the only woman wor king in the warehouse when the sign posted on a truck read HARDHAT REQUIRED/BRA OPTIONAL. This sign discriminated Virginia Pollard because she was the only woman in the warehouse amongst six other employees. D) The existence of sexual harassment policy does not provide a defense to Teddys in this case. Even though Teddys policy provides the opportunity for employees to report misconduct, it does not dismiss the employer from being liable for conduct of employees. Two cases that support this are the Burlington Industries v. Ellerth case and Burrell v. Star Nursery, Inc. Both of these cases state that the employer must be liable for the sexual harassing conduct of their supervisors even if they neither knew nor should have known that the misconduct was occurring. You Decide Question #3: Review the sexual harassment policy which Teddys has in place and which Virginia Pollard signed. Virginia Pollard claims she had planned to make an anonymous complaint but the website allowing that was down on the day she tried to do so. During the Human Rights Commission case, a review of the website statistics shows that Virginia accessed the website for downloading dental coverage forms at least three times during the time frame of the alleged discrimination. The commission determined that this ability of Teddys to track employees use of the site was a violation of their anonymity and therefore, refused to consider this information. The circuit court did consider this in their decision. Provide three recommendations to the CEO for a way to ensure that employees in the future can not claim technical issues for why they didnt make a complaint. Explain, in your recommendations, the legal consequences to an employee if they do not utilize the complaint mechanism of the sexual harassment policy. Support these recommendations with current case law. (Points: 20) Three recommendations I would make to the CEO of Teddys to ensure that employees in the future could not claim technical issues for why they didnt make a complaint would be providing alternative options in reporting this matter. The three recommendations I would give to the CEO of Teddys would be: 1) Create a drop box/1-800 number/multiple parties employees could contact in order to file their complaints into so anonymity still existed. The legal consequence to an employee for not utilizing the complaint mechanisms would be negligence. The addition of the additional options juxtaposed with the existing online reporting option gives each employee an additional opportunity to report any sexual harassment cases at the workplace or at home. Similar to Brenneman v. Famous Daves of America, the legal consequence to the employee for not reporting events of sexual harassment would be the employer being able to defend themselves from sexual harassment allegations having given the employee almost any opportunity to report this misconduct. ) Implement a periodic harassment training to supervisors and employees to ensure that they know and remember that they must take the appropriate action to avoid sexual harassment law suits. By training the employees and supervisors of this sexual harassment periodically, it constantly reminds them of the differences of appropriate and inappropriate behavior and what actions to take in the i nstances of misconduct. In addition to the training, prompt and swift implementation for correction action must be taken to those found guilty of misconduct. Moreover, due to Suders v. Pennsylvania State Police employers should also train their supervisors to know that the burden of proof dismissing them from any liability is also their responsibility in the case a sexual harassment suit. 3) Become more involved in every aspect of the company. Spend time with each department within the company to exercise reasonable care to prevent or correct any harassing behavior. By doing this, the employer may then claim affirmative defense because a) the company has an effective internal complaint procedure for reporting incidents of workplace harassment, and (b) the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of that procedure. Upon any misconduct, the legal consequence for the employee not reporting the misconduct would be the employer using affirmative defense to his advantage. You Decide Question #4: How would Pollards case be impacted if her replacement had been a female? Would her case be different? Would her damages be different? Explain your answer. (Points: 10) Pollards case could be viewed differently if Pollards replacement had been a female, because Teddys had initially fired her for exposing her bra. If Pollard had been replaced by another woman, I dont think it would be viewed as disparate treatment because it would have been just seen as personal misconduct. In addition, if Pollards replacement had been a woman, the Circuit Court may have supported Teddys discipline to Pollard and still reversed the Commissions award of damages because it believed that Teddy had been right to discipline Pollard.