Monday, December 30, 2019

Reflection on a Brain Injury Clinic - 1348 Words

Reflective Piece. Reflection refers to the process of learning from experience. In order to learn effectively we need to address our experiences and tailor them to our needs. Spalding (1998) stated that reflection has three main learning phases. The learning opportunity, the gathering and analysis stage and the changed perspective. Boyd et al (1985) suggest reflection to be an: ‘...important human activity whereby people recapture their experiences, consider them and evaluate them . Reflection has been strongly advocated by the UKCC (1996) and a wealth of nursing literature during the last decade, with the aim of improving practice via a structured means of identifying, reviewing and making sense of relevant practice knowledge†¦show more content†¦FEELINGS After the discussion with the other members of the team, I was shocked to both my own views and stunned to realise the effects that a TBI has on individuals whom appear to be coping. When a patient has to have a long stay in hospital then the after effects are easier to see but when patients are discharged and appear to be coping these are less visible, and can lead to them being discharged when they are in need of help. EVALUATION The situation made me address these attitudes that I had and made me think about the seriousness of symptoms that individuals mask. When we visited Ms X it turned out that the reason Ms X had not attended was that she was unaware that she wasn t coping. As we interviewed Ms X it turned out that her body image as a result of the TBI was immensely affected and Ms X was having problems with her family as they saw that her physical injuries were healed now so why was she not back to the person she was before. As a result of these conflicts she was depressed and finding it difficult to be motivated to leave the house and as her TBI had occurred outside had become fearful of leaving the house in case this happened again. ANALYSIS From this experience I learnt how important it is to listen to all the facts and to not make judgements on individuals just because the outcomes areShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1441 Words   |  6 Pagesemotional episodes that can happen immediately without a word. With a number of mental illnesses to diagnose them, it requires significant time and perception with a health care provider. Treatment is additionally a viewpoint that takes arranging and reflection, generally on how the patient feels in response to the solution that they are taking and different types of treatment. Albeit, bipolar disorder is a complex ailment to diagnose, there are a few option medicines utilized as a part of conjunctionRead MoreEffects Of Major Depressive Disorder On Adolescents1633 Words   |  7 PagesDisorder amongst adolescents age 15 to 24. 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Some of the tissue placed in this mans brain may have been from an earlier gestational age than is customary in American clinical trials - that is, it may have been more embryonic than fetal in nature. Within two years after the transplant this man died mysteriously - and an autopsy revealed that masses of nonneural tissue such as skin and hair had filled the ventricles of his brain and cut off his breathing. Researchers theorized that this tissue may have remainedRead MoreReflective essay on confidentiality3439 Words   |  14 Pagesin the future. Jasper (2011) tells us that reflection is the ability to see ourselves both physically and metaphorically. She also states that reflection can be looking again at something or in a different way. Somerville and Keeling tell us that reflection is the study of our thoughts, actions and focusing on our interaction and environments with the intention of fully seeing ourselves (Nursing Times, 2004). 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When this study concluded, the higher population of students were identified to have inadequacies with Sound Identification probably due to a reflection of not being exposed to the instruction on letter-sound correspondence until preschool. The study did include that using an RTI model in preschool, especially those serving children with low-income (influenced by poverty and home language difference)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The State Of State Prisons - 1726 Words

The Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) had $562.2 million in prison expenditures in 2010. However, the state also had more than $7.2 million in prison-related costs outside the department’s budget. The total cost of Indiana’s prisons—to incarcerate an average daily population of 38,417—was therefore $569.5 million, of which 1.3 percent were costs outside the corrections budget. Determining the total cost of state prisons requires accounting for expenditures in all areas of government that support the prison system; not just those within the corrections budget. The additional costs to taxpayers can include expenses that are centralized for administrative purposes (such as employee benefits and capital costs) and services for inmates†¦show more content†¦Once a budget has been received, a budget officer goes over the prepared document and balances the proposal based on what is being requested and develops a recommended budget. From there the b udget is submitted to the governing authority, in this case the Department of Corrections. Once the Department of Corrections has reviewed all the important information obtained in the recommended budget, it then filed a proposed budget which is presented at the public board meetings. Once all adjustments to the initial budget plan are completed, a final adopted budget is put in place. This is what most department heads will use as the fiscal basis throughout the year. The main contributors to the budget process include the governing authority, chief budget officer, and department heads. The governing authority is typically the county board or city council in local government. In a regional jail arrangement, a regional governing board may consist of representatives from each participating jurisdiction. The agreement that creates the regional authority generally defines the regional governing board’s authority concerning budget issues. The governing authority must approve the budget for the jurisdiction and any changes to it during the fiscal year. It also secures the revenues necessary to fund the budget by setting tax levies and user fee rates,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Globalization as International Issue Free Essays

Today the concept of â€Å"globalization† becomes the most topical and widely used. It is very interesting that the attitude to the globalization – positive, negative or discreet – depends on the level of the social, economic and political development of a country. In present-day conditions the place and the role of globalization cannot be understood without the analysis of that influence, which it renders on a nation, mentality and social behaviour, on † the vital worlds † of the people, who are actively or passively participating in this process. We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization as International Issue or any similar topic only for you Order Now The historical development of mankind depends on the conditions of globalization in which we see changes of motives, values, orientations of its contemporaries, typical attributes of a person and his or her relations with a community. Today the realistic estimation of the influence of globalization is especially necessary because the â€Å"fashion† on it, a background created around this phenomenon recently quite often prevents from distinguishing the reality from an ideological myth. The essence of globalization is in growing interdependence of different communities but interdependence implies participation in this process of at least two or even greater number of the parties. Practically globalization process benefits the high-developed states, and less developed countries involuntarily become its part, thus not receiving special benefit for themselves, and † play by the rules † of the states that lead in this process. The main part of the population of such states can express its disagreement with the policy of governments that turned to the globalization process, oppose ruthless competitive struggle and go the opposite, inverted in the past, way. Globalization is good then, when this process is accessible to the majority of the countries and when there are conditions of equality between them. But today’s globalization process in reality does not correspond to its essence, because only certain counties have a possibility to cooperate on an equal basis – the strongest ones, alienating from this process the weaker, not even giving them an opportunity to reduce the gap between them. How to cite Globalization as International Issue, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Social Networking and Its Dangers Essay Sample free essay sample

Merely when I was approximately to pick up my pen to eventually get down on my assignment. the Facebook chat buzzer went away yet once more. It was Ivan. a friend I merely met at the beach this afternoon playing beach volleyball. We chatted for about 20 proceedingss before he started inquiring me a series of personal inquiries and eventually my sexual orientation. I was naive so and didn’t know what sexual orientation meant. looking back I realized that Ivan was gay wanted to cognize if I was gay every bit good. My experience with Ivan made me realized that the Internet makes people less inhibited and more willing to say/do whatever they want. Without the platform of on-line chatting. Ivan. a diffident cat would neer hold garnered the bravery to inquire me such personal inquiries. In recent times. the proliferation of societal web sites like Facebook has brought societal networking to a new degree. people have the ability to portray themselves in whichever manner they wanted by holding a Facebook profile. This trait can be seen in Katie Ellis’s article ‘Be who you want to be: The doctrine of Facebook and the building of identity’ . Katie writes. â€Å"I carve out an online individuality based on how. and as whom. I want to be perceived in both the online and offline universe. † The rebellion of societal networking web sites has besides resulted in a rise of cyber-bullying instances and it is fast going one of the most common offenses around. Technology without a uncertainty has enabled world to pass on with much greater easiness ; nevertheless. we must neer allow our guard down when we are on-line. I remember back in high school. I met Cherry online through a common friend. We would speak about everything under the Sun on a frequent footing. Soon. I saw her as a close friend that I could portion anything with. Bing separated by a computing machine screen. I was non merely less diffident but besides more unfastened minded with our conversation ; we would speak about our personal lives. which helped to speed up our friendly relationship and made us experience like we knew each other really good. However. when I met her at an event. the temper was highly awkward. Even though we already know each other well. we’ve neer spoken to each other in existent life. After interchanging words throughout the event. I realized she wasn’t who I thought she was. Possibly I wasn’t who she perceived to be every bit good. Our conversation shortly died down and we barely talk to each other of all time since. On the other manus. I met Carolyn in individual during my high schoolâ €™s orientation and we interacted with each other for three yearss. Over the three yearss of talks and orientation games. we bonded and she got to cognize my true personality. This allowed me to be myself and later our friendly relationship blossomed. I felt comfy in my ain tegument whenever I hung out with her and we neer had an awkward minute. My experiences with Cherry highlighted the facade of on-line relationships ; practical friendly relationships frequently fail to interpret into existent friendly relationships as most of us unwittingly present a false individuality about ourselves on-line and this is non who we genuinely are. Facebook enables us to redact our profiles in the manner we would wish to be portrayed by others. This is nevertheless. non what others see us to be. This behaviour can be seen in the article ‘The doctrine of Facebook and the building of individuality. ’ in which Katie Ellis wrote that she herself take part in societal networking by carving out an online individuality based on how. and who she wants to be perceived in both the online and offline universe. In other words. Ellis believes that we carve our individualities harmonizing to what we want others to believe. I agree with Ellis beca use I know many of my equals who have profiles which portray them as an wholly separate individual as who they genuinely are. My friend Cherry is one of them. Her exposures frequently show her with her household members. picturing her as person who values her household a batch. Many besides showed her images with childs therefore doing others think that she love childs. Whereas with Carolyn I knew what she likes due to my experiences with her and from what I gather from her behaviour. Furthermore. personally I have besides edited my Facebook history such that my friends can merely see photos that I approved of. These scenes would forestall my friends from looking at commonplace exposures of me posted by other friends and therefore enable me to keep my repute. At the same clip. I frequently upload exposures of my travels and exposures of my household and me. This is because I see myself as person who is adventuresome and close to my household and I would besides wish others to portray me likewise. This is nevertheless. lone portion of my individuality. the ideal portion. Similarly. most Facebook users would redact their profiles to show the ideal side of them excessively. My experience with Cherry has taught me to reserve judgement on person until you truly got to run into her in individual. and to neer swear person else’s Facebook profile. Not merely do people portray themselves otherwise on the Internet. they besides loosen their suppressions and go more willing to open up to others. Sociologist defines this as the Online Disinhibition Effect. This common behaviour can be seen in Sherry Turkle’s article when she claimed. ‘ People become gratified by a certain public exposure ; it is more proof than misdemeanor. ’ Deducing from this statement. I can state that Turkle feels that people these yearss are excessively unfastened with their personal life online. When we are armed with the ability to make false individualities. we are frequently more liberated on the Internet. As earlier described. Ivan was surely more liberated when he was speaking to me online than in individual. This allows us to state or make whatever we want to without the fright of any signifier of negative effects. Even if we do it behind our true individuality ( ie. Facebook ) . we would still experience a false sense of security that the Internet gives us and be more unfastened with our sentiments. This has led to severe jobs in society such as cyber intimidation and racism. One of the chief grounds for the being of the disinhibition consequence is because people can acquire away easy without being recognized. What can go on to Cherry if she had offended me? The worse 1 could acquire is to be banned from the web site but this penalty can be mitigated with the creative activity of a new history. In my place state last twelvemonth at that place was a really celebrated instance of cyber strong-arming whereby a college miss killed herself after her ex-boyfriend ganged up with a few other friends and repeatedly posted derogative remarks like â€Å" You’re free. † on her Facebook profile. Similarly. cyber-bullying instances in my high school has resulted in some of the victims wholly losing their assurance. As seen. the Internet can be a unsafe platform. which can take to unwanted effects. There are. nevertheless. positive reprisals from the Internet every bit good. In her article. ‘Friendship: The Laws of Attraction’ . Karen Karbo writes â€Å"Between e-mail and cell phones with free long distance. we’re able to remain near. Keeping a lively e-mail correspondence may frequently be every bit good as being at that place. ’ Although Karbo is right that engineering does convey us closer to each other. I believe there is still a immense difference between a lively email correspondence and a existent existent meeting with person. However. no 1 can deny the fact that engineering does do communicating a zephyr even though one is overseas. Although I met Carolyn in individual during orientation. we have our ain busy lives and it is sometimes hard to maintain up with each other. With engineering. I am able to invariably and handily catch up with her. Furthermore with the aid of engineering. people who experience troubles socialising can besides happe n a practical community they belong in. In the best-case scenario. these non-threatening and non-judgmental online communities might help these people to construct societal accomplishments and eventually come out of their shell. Technology has decidedly improved all of our lives. we are now able to maintain in touch with our friends easy and even friends who are overseas. However there are trade offs that come with engineering. we all need to larn how to extenuate dangers online such as cyber-bullying. It is besides good for us to reserve judgement on people until we have met them personally as people tend to dissemble their true individuality online and therefore taking practical relationships to be frequently deceptive.